Welcome to Ebenezer!
Ebenezer is a church committed to loving everyone, always, and extending the hope and grace of Jesus to our neighbors near and far. We invite you to attend service on Sunday mornings or our mid-week Bible Study and get connected. Find the perfect place to volunteer, engage your family in our thriving kids and students programs, and grow in your faith. If you’re facing a difficult season, Ebenezer is also a safe place to get practical help. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here!
Rev. Darryl N. Person
Senior Pastor

Friends of Ebenezer
Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church has been granted a $900,000 grant from the Commission on Chicago Landmarks toward a $1.2 million project to restore the physical "birthplace of gospel music" as designated by the Commission on Chicago Landmarks.
Join with us on this journey of historical preservation and make a donation today!
Your Life
Wherever you are in life, you matter and you have a purpose. We want to help you become the person God has created you to be. Your journey has a next step and we'll help you find it. It could start with serving, finding God's vision for your life, giving, or joining us regularly.
Your Family
Strong families start with solid foundations. That's why we partner with parents to help raise the next generation to become followers of Christ. Your children and teens have opportunities throughout the week to grow relationships with each other and with God.
Your World
We are passionate about serving the local and global communities and demonstrating God's love to others. Whether within our church or around the world, we are focused on engaging relationships that provide relief and restoration to a hurting world.
There are several ways you can give your tithes and offerings.
- Text to Give - It's quick and easy! Text "EMBC" to 312.779.0146 to receive a secure link to complete your gift.
- Online Giving - You can give from any connected device right on our website. Check out the Give Now button at the top of the page.
- Snail Mail - If you prefer, you may mail your tithes and offerings to the Church Office at 4511 S Vincennes Avenue, Chicago, IL 60653. Our phone number is 773.373.6144.
Thank you for all that you do. Let's continue to Impact the World!
Next Steps...
Join us in person or online and get equipped to experience and share the love of Jesus.
We can’t wait to meet you.